Extra curricular activities

Out of my academic education, I was involved in many other activities. Those are briefly shown here on this page. If you are interested in knowing more about me, please feel free to contact me over phone or email.

A. Theatre activist (7 years)
Institute: Dhaka Drama
I performed in many stage plays as actor and as musician.
This is a theatre group associated with the Group Theatre Federation.
It creates quality performers by feeding its members with theoritical knowledge and practice.
By working with this group for more than 7 years, I have learned the fundamentals of performance.

B. Entrance in Music (3 years)
Institute: Chhayanaut Music School
Department: Folk Music
It is a great music college of Indian sub-continent.
I have learned the basics of Folk Music as well as Indian Classical Music from this Institute.

C. Android App Development (3 months)
Institute: Bangladesh Institute of Technology and Management

D. Pantomime (3 months)
Institute: Bangladesh Mime Association

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